LEAP Africa Youth Leadership Development Programme 2023


Deadline for Application: February 10, 2023

LEAP’s Africa’s Youth Leadership Development Programme (YLDP) is a 5-months Leadership programme designed to empower, equip, and support young change leaders who are Nigerian undergraduates under the age of 30, by providing them with the knowledge, abilities, and supportive environment needed for them to become self-leaders who bring long-lasting change to their communities. The Youth Leadership Programme has never been more pertinent to the present problems being experienced in Africa today, especially those bordering on leadership, active citizenship, and sustainable development, as we approach an election year.

Through the Youth Leadership Programme, youth leadership and activism in Nigeria will be strengthened and enabled through outcomes-driven policy engagements and inclusive resourcing that help youth shape the country’s future long-term development plans.


  • The Youth Leadership Development Programme comprises 22 modules centered on the three pillars of the programme which are Leadership, Active citizenship and Sustainable/Community development.
  • The modules have been carefully designed and tailored to address the current realities of young people in Nigeria to fix the gaps in leadership, active citizenship and sustainable/community development.
  • The modules will help equip the participants with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to become true change makers that lead community change and influence policy change.


Learning Management System: this is a 5 week virtual training session where participants are enrolled onto modules that are developed under: Leadership, Active Citizenship and Sustainable / Community Development.

Virtual Community of Practice: here, participants are incorporated into a virtual community of practice, an online community where learning materials, programme updates, and other opportunities for development are exchanged. Collaboration and information exchange and promoted here.

Change Project Pitching Session, Mentorship and Implementation: participants will be encouraged to form teams of 3-5 persons who will pitch their proposal for community change projects that tackle social issues. 100 successful teams will be selected to receive funding / subgrants and will also be paired with mentors to further aid their development and influence the excellent implementation of their projects

Leadership Debates: participants who choose to take part in debates will also be asked to form teams and submit video entries for the debate competition. To further prepare them for the competition, participants will be taught policy accelerator courses by experts, to boost their knowledge of civic participation.

Youth Leadership Conference:  the Youth Leadership Programme will conclude with a physical debate and award ceremony. This will be an opportunity to reward participants / teams and institutions for their work over the course of five months.


To successfully apply for the LEAP Africa YLDP, an applicant should possess the following qualities:

  • A Male or Female Undergraduate in a Tertiary/Vocational Institution in Nigeria.
  • Aged 18 – 30 years
  • Passionate about advocacy, activism and community development
  • Interested in inclusion, diversity and civic responsibility and eager to exercise these interests
  • Eager to champion change projects geared towards community development & the SDGs
  • Eager to engage with government institutions and influence policy
  • Committed to attending the Online Training, Debates and is available for mentoring

Learn more about the YLDP at the Official Webpage of Leap Africa

Click here to register to be part of the 2023 Cohorts


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