Akwamuhene launches Odeneho Kwafo Akoto Education Fund to reduce illiteracy


Paramount Chief of the Akwamu State, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III, in a bold declaration has announced his crusade against illiteracy within the Akwamu community.

Speaking at a grand dinner held during this year’s Akwasidae Kese celebration in the Eastern Region, the Akwamuhene introduced the Odeneho Kwafo Akoto Education Fund, designed to provide educational scholarships to talented, intelligent but underprivileged students in the Akwamu State.

In his impassioned address, the Akwamuhene emphasised the importance of developing the human resource potential of the Akwamu people.

He drew a parallel to the valiant efforts of his predecessors who had built a formidable empire for the Akwamu community and his own grand vision of building an empire of intellectuals.

He contends it is time for a new battle to be waged, a battle against illiteracy aimed at nurturing the intellectual capital of his people.

“The only war I want to declare on behalf of my people is the war against illiteracy. The weapon against poverty must be fought with the mind and heart. In the words of the great man, Nelson Mandela, ‘education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’

“We observe with grave concern the dilution, erosion and even rejection of our values, customs and traditions by some of our young people who are often attracted by the influence of other cultures. With education, we can reverse this trend and return our young people.

“Together we can turn their dreams into reality, potentials into achievement, and obstacles into opportunities. So I invite you to help me fight this menace of lack of relevant development oriented education from all angles. I really appreciate all of you in your efforts to return the Akwamu state to its proper place in history. Let us be the catalyst of change, the enablers of dreams and the champions of education,” he said.

Source: myjoyonline.com


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