Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program 


Application Deadline: March 03, 2023         

The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (Fulbright TEA) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with funding provided by the U.S Government and administered by International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). It brings international secondary-level teachers to the United States for a six-week professional learning program. Teachers take academic seminars for professional development at a host university. They observe classrooms, team-teach and share their expertise with teachers and students at the host university and at local secondary schools. Participants also take part in civic and cultural activities in their host communities.

Teachers are nominated to participate in the Fulbright TEA Program based on their educational and professional experience, academic training, and leadership. Upon returning home, beneficiaries will share the knowledge and experience gained on the program with teachers and students in their home schools and communities.

Program Components

Teachers who are selected to participate in the Fulbright TEA Program will:

  • Take part in tailored graduate-level seminars at a U.S. host university.
  • Observe classes, co-teach, and share their expertise with U.S. colleagues in U.S. secondary schools.
  • Engage in an online professional learning community with other participants to share best practices and other elements of host and home country educational systems; and
  • Take part in other educational and cultural activities while on program in the United States.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Current secondary-level (middle and high school), full-time teachers of English, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), math, science, foreign language or social studies including special education teachers in those subjects, at institutions serving primarily a local population.
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  • Minimum of three years of full-time teaching experience by the start of program, with a
    preference for those who have completed at least five years of full-time teaching.
  • Demonstrated oral and written English language proficiency.
  • Citizen and resident of an eligible country.
  • Other requirements as indicated in the application.

Other Benefits

  • Visa with international airline ticket and travel allowance.
  • Roundtrip airfare, accommodation, meals, and incidental expenses for the duration of the program.
  • Accident and sickness medical coverage which is supplementary to the participant’s existing insurance.
  • Professional development and cultural activities.


Visit the Official Website to learn more about the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program 2023


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