AERC-World Bank Visiting Scholars Program 2024 Call for application


Application Deadline: June 30, 2023

Applications are open for the AERC-World Bank Visiting Scholars Program 2024. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) invites its network researchers and faculty to submit an expression of interest to participate in the AERC-World Bank visiting scholars program. The fellowship programme will enable participants to spend time at the World Bank, work on their own research relevant to economic development in Africa, and to work with the World Bank’s researchers to develop especially those in the Africa Region.

The visiting scholars will be expected to be part of the AFRCE team; attend AFRCE-led activities; benefit from capacity-building efforts being organized by AFRCE, including collaboration with scholars and peers doing analytical work on World Bank Regional Flagship Studies; interact with the World Bank’s researchers; fully utilize the World Bank’s resources to:

• Revise their draft paper and submit it to the World Bank Working Paper Series and a ranking Journal;

•  Present at least one seminar on their own research while in the program;

• Contribute meaningfully to the World Bank’s Africa Region ongoing research and analytical work;

• Develop a repository of research interests; and

• Comply with all other terms and conditions included in their terms of reference and applicable consultancy contract.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be an AERC researcher, including researchers from the AERC collaborative PhD  programme CPP);
  • Must have an active AERC research project at least at interim/post field stage or final research paper stage; and
  • The research project must be pertinent to the research agenda of the World Bank Africa Region, and imperatives for sustained African development.  

Application Process:
The expression of interest by applicants should include:

  1. A two-page statement of interest;
  2. A draft paper on a subject pertinent to the research agenda of the Africa region of the World Bank   and imperatives facing African development; 
  3. If you teach a relevant course, the curriculum/course materials that you would like to improve while visiting the World Bank; and
  4. Copy of your updated curriculum vitae.

Application packages must be emailed to the AERC Research Department ( Up to 3 awards will be announced in 2023/2024 cohort. Late applications will not be considered.

Women are especially encouraged to apply.

For more information visit the Official Webpage of AERC-World Bank Visiting Scholars Program


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