Residents of Weija warned over spillage of excess of water


With the onset of the rains, Management of the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) has served a word of warning to residents living around the Weija dam and its environs to evacuate the area to forestall any eventuality.

In a letter to forewarn residents of any possible disaster, the GWCL noted, “The level of the Dam as of Friday 28th April, 2023 is 46ft, 1ft below the maximum safe operating level of 47ft. The dam levels are monitored on an hourly basis and the GWCL will not hesitate to open the spill gates, should the level go above 46.5ft, so as not to compromise the integrity of the dam and to avert any disaster.”

The communities likely to be affected by the exercise include Tetegu, Oblogo, Pambros Salt, Lower McCarthy Hill, Lower Weija, Bojo Beach, Adakope and other adjoining communities.

The GWCL revealed the Weija Municipal Assembly has been informed to desilt the estuary to enable easy flow of the water into the sea and to clear heaps of refuse along the course of the river to ensure the damage caused as a result of the spillage is minimised.

“Management of GWCL expects that the public will be supportive in this exercise to avoid a reoccurrence of the disaster that has occurred in the past,” the statement concluded.


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